

Today is the world digital preservation day and we present RODA 4!

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Today it’s celebrated the World Digital Preservation Day. This day aims to raise awareness of the general population regarding the risks of technological obsolescence in continuous access to digital information.

What is Digital Preservation?
Digital preservation encompasses all sorts of activities that play a role in ensuring that digital information remains accessible throughout long periods of time. Authenticity is an important aspect of the entire process. We need information to be accessible but also to retain enough properties to ensure consumers that the information has not been tampered with.

Since its inception, KEEP SOLUTIONS has been a pioneer in the development of tools and scientific knowledge in the area of digital preservation.
In addition to providing services associated with the long-term information management and preservation software – RODA, the company provides consultancy services in digital preservation, namely, for the elaboration of digital preservation plans.

What is RODA?
RODA is a digital repository, developed by KEEP SOLUTIONS in cooperation with the General-Directorate of Book, Archives and Libraries (DGLAB), capable of incorporating, preserving and providing access to all types of digital material produced by large public or private organizations. Its features cover all functional areas of the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model, allowing stored information to remain authentic and accessible over time.

RODA is currently in version 4 and the new version is expected to be launched in 2022.

The main characteristics of RODA are:
• Conforms to open standards;
• Scalable;
• Authenticity;
• Copes with the rapid changing nature of technology;
• Integration with 3rd party systems;
• Vendor independent;
• Embedded preservation actions;
• Support for multiple formats;
• Advanced access control;
• Advanced ingest workflow.

Version 4 of RODA adds a functional module for retention and disposal of documentation. In general, it supports the processes necessary for the appraisal and selection of documentation in accordance with legal retention periods and, through defined final destinations, triggering the necessary actions for the transfer, destruction or permanent preservation of information.

KEEP SOLUTIONS provides implementation, training, maintenance and support services on RODA, and also provides a set of plugins on the software, which result from several years of knowledge.

Who are our customers?
There are several national and international institutions using RODA to manage, store and preserve their information, namely the European Publications Office, Portuguese National Archive, São João University Hospital Center, University of Minho, Polisen (Swedish Police), among others.

KEEP SOLUTIONS is a company that provides advanced solutions for management and preservation of information. Being active in the production of scientific knowledge, we will continue to pave the way and work continuously to improve our products and services, while remaining committed in pursuit of our mission: “Ensuring that the information produced today remains accessible to future generations”.

Demo of RODA 4:

For more information about RODA and available plugins, elaboration of digital preservation plans, or others, please contact us through the email

(Image taken from DPC website)

Com bibliotecas fechadas, rede pública cria plataforma online de conteúdos. Conheça-a!

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Das 303 bibliotecas municipais, ainda há algumas abertas ao público, mas a maioria encerrou, tendo sido criada uma plataforma digital de partilha de conteúdos com os leitores, revelou a Direção-Geral do Livro, Arquivos e Bibliotecas (DGLAB).

Em declarações à agência Lusa, o diretor de serviços de bibliotecas da DGLAB, Bruno Eiras, explicou que quase 200 bibliotecas públicas estão encerradas e algumas, sem especificar quantas, ainda estão abertas ao público.

“Como a decisão de encerramento das Bibliotecas Públicas cabe aos municípios, continuamos a tentar atualizar informações”, disse o responsável. Segundo Bruno Eiras, existem “muitos trabalhadores em bibliotecas encerradas, mas que estão a fazer tarefas internas, mesmo com redução de pessoal e de horário”.

Para fazer cumprir o possível da missão das bibliotecas públicas, em tempo de isolamento social por causa da pandemia da doença Covid-19, a Rede Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas (RNBP) lançou uma plataforma que reúne recursos e informações para os leitores.

Em, estão já a ser partilhados conteúdos gratuitos, “com sugestões de leitura, visitas a exposições, seleção de músicas e filmes, jogos, propostas de formação e cursos disponíveis”.

“Numa altura em que grande parte da população está impedida de se deslocar às bibliotecas, temos de tentar continuar a fazer chegar informação e recursos ‘online’”, disse Bruno Eiras.

Respondendo ao isolamento social dos portugueses, também o Plano Nacional de Leitura (PNL) criou a “Antiquarentena de Leituras”, reunindo desafios de leitura e de escrita para os mais novos, sugestões literárias, jogos educativos e aplicações relacionadas com livro e leitura.
